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Multimillionaire attempts to 'stay young forever' by infusing himself with blood from his 17-year-old son

By Melanie Uson Published May 23, 2023 6:18 pm

One of the joys one can have is feeling young and looking young. This multimillionaire just devoted his life to staying young forever with the help of his 17-year-old son’s blood. 

45-year-old software entrepreneur Bryan Johnson has started a project dubbed “Project Blueprint” that aims to reverse aging.

In a feature by Bloomberg in January, it was reported that Bryan is being strictly monitored by 30 doctors and health experts, monitoring each of his bodily activities, including closely monitoring each of his organs. He aims to have the “brain heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, tendons, teeth, skin, hair, bladder, penis and rectum of an 18-year-old.” 

According to the same report, Johnson and his physician Oliver Zolman began the project after “obsessively” reading scientific literature about aging and longevity, and they decided to use Johnson as the “guinea pig.” 

Aside from strict dietary guidelines, strict sleep and exercise schedules, and frequent medical exams, this process also includes obtaining blood from a young human, which Johnson gets from his son Tamalge. 

The anti-aging experiment costs two million dollars (over P100 million) per year, according to the report.

Prior to this, Johnson had been obtaining blood plasma from a young, anonymous donor—who received a small amount of a $100 gift card in return—in a wellness clinic in Dallas. 

Aside from getting blood from his son, Johnson also donated a liter of blood to his 70-year-old father, Richard, making the project a tri-generational experiment. 

However, this practice is being discouraged by the Food and Drug Administration. According to CNBC’s report in 2019, FDA issued a general warning, saying that it is “unproven and not guided by evidence from adequate and well-controlled trials.” 

Nonetheless, seems like nothing can stop the multimillionaire entrepreneur from achieving his goal. 

“Blueprint is not about living forever. It’s not even about targeting a certain age,” he wrote in his Instagram post.

“It’s about overflowing with excitement each night before bed for what tomorrow will bring. Imagine if all of us felt that way every day,” he added.