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Dog causes house fire after chewing power bank

By Melanie Uson Published Aug 09, 2024 5:07 pm

Footage showed how a dog in the U.S. set a house on fire after chewing a power bank containing a lithium-ion battery.

Tulsa Fire Department warned the public about the dangers of lithium-ion batteries by sharing a clip of a house fire they responded to in May, which showed how the dog chewed the battery before it exploded. 

In the video, a dog can be seen holding a power bank in his mouth before gnawing it while resting on the dog mattress before it sparked an initial flame and exploded.

The local fire department’s public information officer, Andy Little, explained how lithium-ion batteries can be dangerous when not stored properly.  

“Lithium-ion batteries are known for storing a significant amount of energy in a compact space, however when this energy is released uncontrollably, it can generate heat, produce flammable and toxic gasses, and even lead to explosions,” he said, sharing that there has been a rise on lithium-ion battery-related fires in the U.S.

“These incidents can occur due to various reasons, such as exposure to extreme heat, physical damage to the battery, overcharging or even using incompatible charging equipment,” Little added. 

The home was significantly damaged, but the two dogs and a cat recorded at the scene escaped without injuries through a dog door. Little noted how the incident could have been worse if there were no exit points for escape, or if the residents were asleep at the time.

To prevent such incidents, he urged the public to be extra careful when handling the device, including storing them out of reach of children and pets. 

When disposing of the device, Little stressed that it should be brought to a designated recycling center or hazardous waste collection point. 

He added that it should never be tossed in household garbage and recycling bins as doing such may further damage the batteries and potentially cause fire.