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You just graduated, now what? Here are some things you can do next

By John Patrick Magno Ranara Published Jun 21, 2023 6:12 pm Updated Aug 06, 2024 8:14 pm

You might think that walking on the stage clad in your graduation gown and receiving your hard-earned diploma would be your end goal, but that is just the beginning of your journey to the real world.

Once the joy of graduating finally settles down, you may be feeling lost and confused about what to do next. If you're one of those who have no clue what your next step would be, then don't fret as PhilSTAR L!fe has rounded up some things you can do now that you've finished your studies.

Apply for government IDs

Getting a government ID is perhaps the most ideal step to prioritize as a fresh graduate since this is necessary not just for job applications but also for government transactions. Note that you can't just apply for one ID as most places of business require you to show two or more, so it's best to prepare for this ahead of time.

While the process of getting one can be a bit of a hassle, there's nothing more satisfying than when your ID is finally in your hands. Some of the easiest ones that you can get are a postal ID, an NBI clearance, the Unified Multi-Purpose ID, and a passport, among others. 

Polish your resume

A resume acts as a bridge between you and your potential recruiter, so it's important that you take some time to polish it and list down all your significant accomplishments and experiences that you would like to highlight.

It would also be good for you to learn how to navigate business and employment-focused social media platforms such as LinkedIn and JobStreet, and make a profile that will quickly make a good impression on hiring companies.

Take a gap year

Some fresh graduates scramble to find a secure and stable job the second they bid farewell to their university, but remember that there is nothing wrong with taking a year off to relax and recharge. After all, you've basically spent half of your life pouring your blood, sweat, and tears studying just to get that diploma.

Taking a gap year means you can get a chance to do some of the things that you weren't able to while you were busy with your studies, such as traveling to new places and reconnecting with your hobbies and passions that were sadly lost because of the challenging and demanding tasks for school.

Pursue a master's degree program

Entering graduate school could also be worth your while as it can provide you with the confidence and competitive edge that you need once you're ready to enter the workforce. 

It may have you spending several nights studying and crying until the morning comes, but once you get to the finish line, you'll be able to have more expertise in your specialty and get a headstart in your career. A master's degree is also necessary if you plan to teach in higher education some time in the future.

Find volunteer opportunities

Graduating from your school essentially means you are now ready to work in your specific specialty, but if you feel like you're not yet ready for a corporate job, then you may opt to do some volunteer work instead.

This can help you gain a more in-depth understanding of the industry you are planning to apply for as well as provide you with a chance to make some connections with those who have a similar line of work. While you may not experience the full range of job duties, it can still prepare you with a sneak peek of your job and help you decide if this path is really for you.

Find a job that can make you comfortable

If you're now ready to officially be an employee at a company, then it's now time to start applying for a job. While it's easy to just send a cover letter and your resume to any job opening that you see and simply wait for their reply, it's important that you carefully filter the ones that can suit your interest and specialty, and make you comfortable. 

Some of the things that you need to consider include whether the job will force you to a long and stressful commute, what your responsibilities are, whether the company's employees are happy at work, and more.

Start a business

Corporate jobs are not for everybody, and if you think that you're one of those people who want to be their own boss, then you may want to consider starting a business. This is made easier now that so many things can be done online—you can be an online seller, be an influencer on social media, and start a blog, among others.

Of course, becoming an entrepreneur is no walk in the park especially if you're just starting out, so what you can do is to get a part-time job so that you can sustain yourself all while you're building up your business on the side.